It has recently come to our attention that a counterfeit site is using the NutraLab business name and logo to sell its products via the Internet. While we are working to rectify this violation of our trademark, please be advised the site has no relation whatsoever with NutraLab Canada Ltd. and any of its business divisions, processes, products, employees, etc. The only sites operated by NutraLab Canada Ltd. are and
We have received reports of’s customers being unable to contact this company, not receiving products they have paid for, not being able to cancel their order to get their money back, etc. in light of these reports, we strongly advise potential customers against placing an order with this company. As their products were not manufactured by us, it is also unknown if products bought on the counterfeit site are GMP-compliant and follow Health Canada standards, leading to potentially serious health concerns.
NutraLab Canada Ltd. takes its intellectual property seriously and will take all steps necessary to protect it. We hope to resolve this situation soon, and sincerely thank you for your patience and continued support of NutraLab Canada Ltd. If you have any questions or think you’ve been the victim of fraud, please feel free to contact us at 1-888-752-1823 or use our contact page