by NutralabAdmin | Nov 13, 2018 | Raw Material Products
DESCRIPTION: Avena sativa is an extract from wild oats straw, and a rather recent entry to the field of aphrodisacs. While oats have a long reputation of being the most energizing grain, the alleged sexual effects have not commonly been recognized in previous...
by NutralabAdmin | Nov 13, 2018 | News
Nutralab Canada has currently obtained his GMP site license for its new facilities at 275 Don Park Road, Markham
by NutralabAdmin | Nov 13, 2018 | Raw Material Products
DESCRIPTION: White Willow Bark contains salicin, which the body converts to salicylic acid and has the same effect on the body as aspirin without any of the side effects. In fact, White Willow Bark was the basis for the synthesis of aspirin. History of usage of White...
by NutralabAdmin | Nov 13, 2018 | Raw Material Products
by NutralabAdmin | Nov 13, 2018 | News
To meet the increasing demand of softgel supplement products, Nutralab Canada has currently completed his in-house advanced facilities for softgel manufacturing. It allows Nutralab ‘s softgel production capacities up to 2.0 million softgel (oval #10) daily. It would...