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Nutralab is invited to speak on GMP update: Dietary Supplements & Natural Products
Dr. Peter Ou, CEO of Honson Pharmatech Group / Nutralab Canada is invited to speak about the "What is our industry concern and Challenges to GMP compliance" that is organized by IPA, Canada during 21 to 22, Montreal. Canada. A Two-Day Interactive Conference with...
Nutralab Exhibit at CHFA Expo East show Oct 23- 24 in Toronto
NutraLab Canada will be holding an exhibit at booth #834 and #836 at Expo East during October 23-24, 2010. Expo East is organized by the CHFA (Canadian Health Food Association), and will run from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm daily on Saturday and Sunday, October 23-24, to be...
Nutralab Canada Exhibit at HK ICMCM during 12 – 16 Aug. 2010
Nutralab Canada will be attending Canadian Trade Mission to Hong Kong, and exhibit at the International Conference & Exhibition of the Modernization of Chinese Medicine & Health Products (ICMCM), organized by the HKTDC during 12 – 16 Aug. 2010. In the Hong...
New softgel manufacturing facilities in place with NutraLab Canada
NutraLab Canada is pleased to announce that new softgel manufacturing facilities are now in place as of late October. The newly added equipment will enable NutraLab to more than double its softgel production capabilities while maintaining a high standard of superb...
Nutralab featured on Business without Borders!
Nutralab Canada is very proud to announce that our company has been featured on the front page of Business without Borders! Business without Borders is a well-established e-magazine that draws on articles from the Globe and Mail and Canadian Business and Profit...
Nutralab Omega-3 Fish Oil Awarded Highest IFOS 5-stars Rating Again!
Nutralab Canada is delighted to share that our Omega-3 Fish Oil has once again been awarded IFOS’s highest rating, with five out of five stars! This means that our product places in the top-ranking ultra-refined products category, and presents the most health...